Sunday, March 20, 2011

Long Week Makes Long Post

But at least the week is over!

Thursday began with a clinic visit and a happy reunion with one of his best hospital friends, Spencer. It was fun to catch up with Spencer and his mom---so much so that I completely disregarded, well not completely, his isolation precautions and let William go mask-less while hanging out with his friend. Spencer was getting admitted for his last chemo! Hooray!!! He'll be done with treatment as his road map doesn't include radiation or any other therapies. Awesome! We're jealous, but so thrilled for him and his family. It is strange to have friends go through this process and actually reach the finish line. It is crazy to realize how intense the past 9 months have been and suddenly there is this light at the end of the tunnel and we're running faster toward it. William's ANC reached 2400 which gives the green light to proceed with radiation on Monday.

Thursday also included another bone marrow biopsy and aspirate. I would roughly guess that it was his 10th or 11th time getting one of these. William looks great and even had a few nurses come in and oooh and ahhh over how amazing he looks for not even being to his 100 day mark post transplant. The biopsy was uneventful with the usual delays and such and per William's usual request, the anesthesia part was video tapped. We are anxiously awaiting the results on Monday or Tuesday and hoping to receive "negative" results for the first time---negative for cancer cells. I haven't even bothered to ask what we do if results are positive. We'll address it if it becomes our reality.

Thursday couldn't end soon enough though. Not long after returning from the hospital with William, while picking up the boys at a friend's home, Soren managed to tuck his toes under the end of a treadmill just in time for his brothers to turn it on. It was gory enough to necessitate a trip to Urgent Care. Of course Ryan's plane from Portland was delayed 2 hours so I had to make another last minute call to a wonderful friend (I have the best) to come watch the boys while I headed off to see another doctor with another boy. The doctor assured me my visit was "appropriate". It's probably a job requirement to make the ridiculous co-pay feel justified. Soren suffered 2nd degree burns on both big toes and was terrified of the possibility of getting a shot.

Soren: Am I getting a shot?
Dr.: No. I promise you aren't getting any shots.
Soren: Do you give shots here?
Dr.: Yes, sometimes, but you don't need one.
Soren: Where are the shots? Are they in here?
Dr.: No. We keep them in another room.
Soren: Are there any in the cupboard or drawers?
Me: No, Soren. There are no shots in this room at all.
Soren: Oh.

He relaxed and became quite enthralled with the details of his burn dressing. He insists his "supplies" are put in a special place by William's medical supplies. He loves to remind me when he is due for Motrin, told me he thought he needed a blood transfusion (he has no idea what one is but knows William gets them), and likes to wear a mask when I do his dressing change because William wears them for his Broviac dressing change. It's cute and hilarious. Here's a lovely photo. Warning: it ain't pretty.

The Donut Dash was a success. Success is measured by the amount of people that show up and/or donate to the cause and by the lack of rain. The rain started back up 15 minutes after the last racer crossed the finish line. Amy and Ryan did great and Ryan brought one of his four donuts home for the boys. He was sick after eating 3. Here's the start of the race for your viewing pleasure. Take a look at the 2:06 time marker at the guy who runs up to the camera in a white T-shirt with a black long sleeve underneath and a beanie. But don't stop watching, the camera turns and the fame chaser turns around and looks back! I just love him!

William's name is near the bottom on the left under the "In Honor of" section. Thanks Amy (and all your generous friends), for raising so much money in his honor!

We plan on making this an annual family affair and continue to give back to an amazing program that gives so much.

With the week finally behind us, we move on---on to Radiation.


Happy 1st Birthday, Sweet Eliza!

1 comment:

  1. Ryan looks great! Will looks great! Even the doughnuts look good. But poor Soren-sore toes...:( It's not the first time I've heard of kids getting burned from treadmills. And the slide baby Eliza is using is familiar too> I'm glad it is getting good use from another athletic cutie pie.
