Friday, June 11, 2010


Some days this feels like a dream. How did our lives get turned upside down so quickly? We all pass through difficult experiences and we make it out stronger and when we reflect on those times we wonder how we did it and sometimes wonder why we even thought it was so hard. It's all about perspective and growth. We have perspective, we're gaining perspective and definitely growing.

Quick update since I suspect my evening won't be slowing down.

William will be discharged this evening. His red blood count is down so he's getting a blood transfusion before we go. They just hooked him up and that should take 3-4 hours.

He did great this morning in physical therapy and negotiated the uneven surface of the lawn and some stairs quite well. He is quite weak and I'm grateful the physical therapists informed me of his limitations because I'm afraid I would sometimes be inclined to push him a little too far. He is coming home with a walker, but he should be able to get around the house without it. If we go on a walk, we should take it with us. For example, we live on a court with about 7 houses and walking around the court would thoroughly exhaust him and he couldn't do it unassisted. It's weird to see him so weak and sick when 2 weeks ago he was running around the playground playing kickball.

His sense of smell and taste seem to be altered and affecting his appetite. He's looking forward to coming home and making mom a bit of a short order cook. We'll see how it goes, but for now, his nutrition is one of the few things I can attempt to control.

I have an wonderful mother-in-law who has taken care of the other 4 boys this week. We are truly blessed to have such supportive family members and to have many that live close enough to help us. Thanks Mary and Erik, Rich and Paige.

I've got 3 hours to kill while the blood transfusion occurs. I think I'm going to curl up next to William and take a nap and dream of what great family fun we'll have at this time next year when we'll hopefully be able to have this all behind us and it will feel like a dream.


  1. You are a wonderful writer, Julie! I love reading your posts, and you always teach me something worthwhile. We would love to have the boys up to play next week so you and William can rest. Maybe Monday or Tuesday? I will call you over the weekend. Good luck with the transition to home. Ahhhhh...

  2. a year from now it will all be a bad dream... that'll be a great day. we'll be praying with you and thinking of you all along the way.
    it would be really hard to see your sweet boy so weak. we're praying hard for him and you and ryan and all of your fam.
    love you tons and tons

  3. You are the greatest and inspiration to us all. Maybe someday you can look back on this and think it was just a dream. For now just stay strong. Everyone loves you and your family and were all praying for you.
    Love ya, Jenny

  4. It sounds like a dream....crazy and full of information that almost doesn't quite fit. So touched by your strength and faith. William is in every prayer and in our thoughts. We are pulling for you and getting perspective on our challenges from you.
