Monday, January 10, 2011

Spending T-I-M-E

In a recent lesson at church, the topic was Elder Uchtdorf's October General Conference address, "Of Things That Matter Most." Ryan and I frequently pondered this statement, particularly in the past several months, as we face adversity and contemplate the purpose of life and how we're doing in it.

President Uchtdorf states, “If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is a good time to refocus on what matters most.” He continues by outlining the importance of improving four key relationships.

1) Our relationship with our Heavenly Father. “As we seek Him, as we learn of His Son, Jesus Christ, as we open our hearts to the influence of the Holy Spirit, our lives become more stable and secure."

2) Our relationship with our families. “In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e, time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home."

3) Our relationship with our fellowman. “We build this relationship one person at a time—by being sensitive to the needs of others, serving them, and giving of our time and talents.”

4) Our relationship with ourselves. He suggests we "… reduce the rush and take a little extra time to get to know [ourselves] better. Walk in nature, watch a sunrise, enjoy God’s creations, ponder the truths of the restored gospel, and find out what they mean for [us] personally. Learn to see [ourselves] as Heavenly Father sees [us]—as His precious daughter or son with divine potential.”

With the extra time (out of the hospital) we've had lately, we have really tried hard to spend quality time with one another. We've also tried to make much of the time one-on-one with each of the boys whenever possible (not an easy task, but doable with a little effort).

William will be admitted to UCSF on Monday, January 24th, to begin the stem cell transplant process. Details on the process to come later. After the transplant, he will not be allowed in public places for 3-6 months. Therefore, we are trying to enjoy things with William that may be off the table for a while in the near future, like eating inside In-'N-Out (he's finishing a whole Double Double these days), having playdates, going to the movie theater, riding bikes, and Kings games.

For those that don't follow the NBA (I don't), the Sacramento Kings are the worst team in the league this year. Ryan was offered 4 free tickets from a coworker to attend a game that evening. (Thanks, Neil--you made 2 boys really, really, happy! Okay, two moms too!) Ryan perfected his babysitting skills while Lisa, James, William, and I headed off to the game with low expectations for the game, but high expectations for some good 'ole fun. It was fantastic! William ate a Jumbo "King Dog" and "King" rootbeer, and half a Jumbo popcorn. Can you tell what I focused on during the game? The caloric intake was worth every penny I shelled out! He and James danced, cheered, and tried unsuccessfully to get on T.V. William managed to work his bald head by dancing in the aisle during a commercial break until one of the dancers ran up the stairs and personally handed him a King's t-shirt. That made up for not getting on T.V. Oh, and the Kings had their best game of the season, winning and scoring a record high in points for the season.

"Best game EVER!"

I hope he doesn't burn too many calories. Check out the face!

So here's to finding moments to rejoice in, like just being with good friends in public places.


  1. We love it. Enjoy as much time as possible. Good luck with the bone marrow transplant. Your family is always in our prayers.

  2. Wahoo!! looks like so much fun! Good smiles and memories. Loves to all-
