Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Help is on the Way!

Friend Lisa here. I am finally putting out the call for help. So many have done so much already and now we will try to organize the troops.

As you can gather from Julie's last post, it's time to lighten her load (and Ryan's load! although I do transportation not water, sorry Ryan). Here is a clip from a letter I sent out to friends at school:

William will have more difficult chemotherapy next month followed by major surgery followed by a stem cell transplant. So I think it is time to get down to business and start a better coordinated effort of helping. If you are interested and willing to help with gardening, errands, grocery shopping and meals, meals, and meals, please follow the link and register your email and name. I think there is also a way to add notes (or you can send me a message) if you have any ideas of ways to help (like you LOVE to work on sprinklers). If you can bring 1 meal- that is a huge help.

Here's the link:

Thanks everyone!

And a note to my friend- Your "fight" was in the wrong place for today, perhaps; but your heart was in the right place, as always.


  1. Thank you for organizing this! I wish I could sign up, but being 2000 miles away, there is little I can do other than pray. Someone in her ward - please take a child or two while Julie does her calling. There is one small thing I can do - I think I should work on it today.

    Love you Julie!

  2. I wish I was in your ward so I could help with the boys during sacrament meeting! I'm sorry things are so hard. If I could wave my magic wand and make it all disappear, I would! Instead, I signed up on the helping hands website. Keep in mind that I am on my own all day, so I can take Soren, even at the last minute (and I can come pick him up, too). D&C 121:7. Praying hard for you. Love you!!

  3. Tears stream dowm my cheeks as I wish I was closer to your family so that I could lighten you load and you could turn to our family for help and peace. I wish I could cook every meal for you and pack all the kids lunches for school. Your strength to endure is inspirational. We pray for your family to continue enduring this painfull and long trial.
    We love you guys
    Audrey Cox
